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How to Get Back 10 Hours with Therapy Note Dictation

for therapists and coaches optimizing your practice patient care private practice life privatepractice revolutionizing workflows therapreneurs therapy note dictation Mar 18, 2024


Therapists spend a lot of time taking down notes – on average, over 3 hours a week. Every month, that adds up to 15 hours. Over a year? That’s over a week of typing time

But we know you want to focus completely on your patients, not on paperwork. What you need to do is to bring your practice into 2024. 

The solution? AI-powered therapy note dictation. 

In this article, we’ll take a look at: 

  • Can AI dictation really save you time with your therapy notes?
  • How does it work? 
  • How to use the Lindy AI to completely optimize your daily workflow
  • Best practices

Let’s get started!





While necessary, manually typing or writing notes tends to be tedious and time-consuming. Not to mention the frustration of typos, formatting issues, and – worryingly – not getting essential details right. 

And we’re not getting into the fact that many therapists take notes long after the session is over, sometimes up to a whole day later

There’s an easier way. With AI therapy note dictation software like Lindy, you can simply speak your notes and Lindy will format them into a professional note template in your preferred style.




Wondering how therapy notes dictation makes life easier? It leverages tech like natural language processing (NLP) for voice recognition, and AI working behind the scenes to turn your spoken words into well-organized notes.

Here's how it works:

  • First up, you chat about your session into your phone or speak into your desktop's mic.
  • Next, that chat is converted into text, neatly shaping up as a draft note. These clever systems understand the lingo, spotting therapy terms and abbreviations, creating a spot-on first go at your notes.
  • Finally, you give that draft a once-over, then slot it into your patient's Electronic Health Record (EHR). Some setups are slick enough to pencil in follow-ups or queue up tests based on what you've noted. 

Switching to an automated setup for your therapy notes could mean not spending time on those extra admin hours each week.

And here's a bonus: Dictating notes fresh after sessions means they're detailed and consistent.

Understandably, many therapists have concerns about recording client sessions, but that isn’t a concern with therapy note dictation

First, sessions are not recorded.

Second, your voice dictation recordings are encrypted, HIPAA-compliant, and only used to generate your notes. 




With Lindy, all you need to do is speak your thoughts and observations as you normally would. 

Just speak naturally: whether you're surrounded by background noise or have a thick accent, Lindy's advanced speech recognition technology gets your words with over 99% accuracy, transforming them into neatly transcribed text instantly.

The transcribed text is automatically converted by a fully customizable note-taking template, considering factors like symptoms, treatment plan updates, mental status exams, etc.


Completely HIPAA and PIPEDA compliant

Privacy, security, and compliance are near and dear to therapists.

Your recordings and notes are securely encrypted and exclusively yours to access. 

As a HIPAA and PIPEDA-compliant solution, Lindy gives serious thought to your data's confidentiality, being 100% positive it's never shared or used illegally or unethically. 

Plus, you're always in the driver's seat with the ability to delete any recordings or notes whenever you choose.


Lindy integrates with your daily routine

Lindy’s therapy note dictation isn’t about just adding one more time-consuming, but about working seamlessly with your existing workflow. 

Lindy integrates effortlessly with major EHRs like SimplePractice (the EHR chosen by over 70% of therapists), fitting perfectly into your existing routine. 

After a session, simply open your note template, hit the record button, and start dictating. Lindy will place your spoken words into the appropriate sections of your note. 

Reviewing, editing, and finalizing your notes is straightforward - without ever needing to leave your EHR.

For interns, Lindy does support recording sessions for supervisor review, fulfilling many training program requirements.


Get your time back

Dictating your notes to Lindy can be 3-4 times quicker than typing them out – allowing you to get back hours every week. 

This extra time means you can dedicate more to your clients and enjoy your life outside of work.


Best practices

Here's how to get the most out of using Lindy for your therapy note dictation: 

  • Stick to a dictation routine. Try to dictate notes right after sessions; it keeps details clear in your mind and gets you into the habit of integrating AI into your routine. 
  • Let Lindy learn from you: Spend some time customizing Lindy to better recognize the terms you use a lot and to fit the way you work. 
  • Check your notes and give feedback. Every now and then, review the notes Lindy creates. If something's off, tweak how you dictate or adjust the settings.
  • Summarize smartly: Keep your dictations to the point by focusing on summarizing the session – it makes for clearer, more concise notes.
  • Go deeper: Think about using Lindy for other writing tasks, like emails or treatment plans. It can save you even more time.





You've got enough on your plate as a therapist without having to stress about taking quality notes. 

With AI-powered dictation through Lindy, you can get your notes done faster and easier than ever before. 

Just record yourself dictating session highlights, and let Lindy take care of transforming your words into polished, perfectly formatted therapy notes. 

Explore AI-powered, HIPAA-compliant Therapy Note Dictation with Lindy.


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